

关于自己喜欢Patric,Kat毫无头绪,而她的理由几乎涵盖了他的一切,从性格到外貌。如果没有近距离的细致观察,这些事情是不会得知的。因此,相比较起缺点,本次采访更集中于好的方面,个人优点以及魅力。 我们想着如果我们深挖这几位女孩背后的故事,介绍她们给你们认识,你们(粉丝)会更加爱她们。因此,这次采访的主题便是“10个让你爱上EVERGLOW的理由”。’.

Q : 日常生活场景中的你们给人一种明亮,活力满满的氛围,我想你们应该是在积极乐观的氛围中成长起来的。 我猜 在你们小的时候一定收到了很多人的夸赞吧。那么在你们成长过程中,有没有记忆深刻的小插曲呢?

E:U : 当我还是个孩子得时候, 我没什么脾气,也不会大喊大哭。即使当我想要某个喜欢的东西的时候,我也从来不会哭。我真的很喜欢我的姐姐,喜欢到可以把我所有的东西都给她。所以,我那会常常听到别人说我是个很爱给予和付出的孩子。

施贤: 我上五年级的时候,我迷上了芭蕾舞,然后去了一个学院。比起练习时间比我长的小伙伴,我在踮起脚尖这方面做得更好,因此经常性被老师表扬,这件事我到现在都记忆犹新。 我很开心也很惊讶,我在毫无期待的情况下误打误撞进了芭蕾舞的世界。

MIA : 我小的时候就学习了芭蕾舞,而且表演的不错。表演结束后,我们全家人为我送上祝贺,说我跳得不错。 我想应该是这份记忆造就了现在EVERGLOW的MIA。 

ONDA : 我小时候经常在奶奶家住。有一天,奶奶有事出门,我就打扫了客厅。当她晚上回来后,她表扬了我,夸我打扫地很干净。她甚至给我做了我最喜欢的糖面。我到现在也忘不了她会心的夸赞以及为我亲手做的糖面的 香甜味道。

AISHA : 我还是个孩子得时候,就开始替人跑腿了。 我们社区的叔叔阿姨,爷爷奶奶们经常夸我,说我是个好孩子。我记得我每到一家商店,都会得到好吃的。

怡人: 我还小的时候,曾做过模特,我记得用赚来的钱给我的父母和奶奶都买了礼物。 看到他们脸上骄傲幸福的微笑,我开心极了。


Q: 你们肯定有过许多艰难的时刻,在那样的时刻听到过的最让你感到备受鼓舞的话是什么?

E:U : 做练习生的时候,我嗓子受过一次伤。我的自尊心下降到了极点,甚至觉得自己不属于我自己了。然而,我妈妈的一番话给了我很多力量。“不要觉得难就轻易退缩,相反,你应该找到你擅长的地方,然后终有一天,机会会垂青于你。”直到现在,不管什么时候,一遇到困难挫折,她的这番话就会在我的脑海里响起。

施贤: 高中时,我是个练习生。早上学习,然后去练习。日复一日,每天都是一样的内容,以至于有时候我感到无比压抑。“我将来能够出道吗?”我很焦虑,并且身体和心理上也疲惫到不行。一次,我躺在我的课桌上,我的老师看到了走过来对我说:“施贤啊,我觉得你已经做很很棒了。今天你就不用打扫教室了。你现在肯定很累吧?一定要好好吃饭。”他的这番话让我备受安慰,我一时百感交集,眼泪夺眶而出止不住地流。

MIA : 当我对我的唱歌能力有所怀疑,我的声乐老师说“你唱的真的很不错!对自己要有信心。”那一刻,我感到很慰藉,重拾信心。

ONDA : 去年,有一段时间我觉得自己被困住了。 即使是我最亲密的比我年长的朋友也不知道我正在经历什么样的艰辛。 但她注意到了,说:“你的存在本身就是独一无二的,你比任何人都要珍贵。”.”

AISHA : 有段时间我相当艰难,想要放弃,在这个念头摇摆的时候,一个我认识的朋友 告诉我说:“相信你自己,要对自己正在做的事感到骄傲。”我永远不会忘记这句话。

怡人: 还是个孩子得时候,当我第一次去学习传统古典中国舞,我没有任何经验。所以我就跟着音乐的感觉表达出了我的开心与喜悦。我还记得那个老师当时表扬我的话语。“怡人啊,你跳舞时候的表现力真的很棒,你应该成为一个舞者。”冥冥之中,这番话指引着我,让我成为了今日的自己。

Q. “不管什么时候我一想到它,就会感到这真的是我的一个好习惯啊”。那么你最喜欢的你的习惯是什么?

E:U : 成长过程中学到的礼仪和好的行为举止。

施贤: 始终保持积极的心态,不要将自己与他人比较! 小时候,妈妈总是站在我这边,夸我很多。 如果我是我父母的独生子,我想我会自私地长大,但是,多亏了比我大3岁的哥哥,我学会了一些礼貌礼仪。 今天的我就是这件事造就而成的结果。

MIA : 阅读。我是在父亲的潜移默化的引导下,自然而然养成了阅读的习惯。

ONDA : 睡觉前,我会准备好第二天要穿的衣服。 这是为了在第二天早上至少能多睡 5 分钟。

AISHA : 我觉得早起,吃早餐,护肤,度过一个忙碌充实的早晨是个很好的习惯。

怡人: 和我妈妈经常联系。我还小的时候,就和我妈妈成为了朋友,所以一有什么好玩的生活片段,我就想告诉她。


Q : 这个习惯对你的哪个部分有帮助?为什么?

E:U : 身边的人都很爱我。这有助于我建立一个好的名声。

施贤: 我给其他人留下了我是个“积极向上的孩子”的印象。我大部分时间可以毫无压力地生活。

MIA : 我的写作和口头表达发生了很大的变化,不同于他人,我有一些独一无二的奇特想法。好处是,我可以通过迅速判断来解决面临的问题。

ONDA : 我早上有大量时间,然后在早上练习的时候我会更加集中。然后喝一杯水,欣赏早上的太阳。

AISHA : 好好地度过早晨,来迎接新的一天并保持健康是件好事。

怡人: 我成长的过程中,没有足够的时间休息。但我和妈妈的关系绝对是最好的。 随着时间的流逝,我逐渐意识到她是多么的珍贵,我是多么爱我的妈妈。 


Q: 这是一个不起眼的细节也可以变为时尚的时代,比如我们刘海的式样,或者鞋带的系法。如果让你介绍一个你最自信的造型方式,那会是什么?

E:U :  我是眼线专家。 即使(眼线笔尖)有些钝,我仍然可以画出(完美的眼线)。 只要借助指甲和棉签,不论在哪里我都可以做到。 就算一开始没画好,我也可以借助这两个小工具迅速修复。

施贤:  我不是什么造型专家。但是不管什么时候去练习室或者其他地方,我穿鞋的时候很喜欢脚脖子靠着鞋跟。这样穿起鞋来很舒服。这种穿鞋方法最近也流行了起来。

MIA :  我没有确切的时尚造型的方法。对我而言,最好的时尚一般就是舒服,因为舒服是最好的。

ONDA :  橙色珊瑚妆。 我买的暖色调橙色珊瑚调色板成了我的必备单品。 关键的一步是把珊瑚色眼影涂抹在眼睛下方约⅔处,这样看起来就会更加可爱。

AISHA :  我一直是根据心情来决定我的妆容风格。没有什么特别的造型方式,因为我真的是看心情而定。

怡人:  我觉得我没什么特别的造型方式。最好的造型方式就是穿最适合我的衣服。

Q : 如果让你定义一个可以代表你的角色,会是哪个角色?原因是?

E:U :   Meticulous tiny girl. Despite being small, I’m usually busy organizing and cleaning up things back and forth. I also can make a lot of stuff well and quickly. Multi-talented click clack! (Not a dance!)

施贤:  Petit attention seeker. I’ve always loved to receive attention ever since I was a kid. It’s still exactly the same now.

MIA :  Among the MBTI types, I’m an INTP. A logical thinker. That’s seriously how I live my life!

ONDA :  Smile girl. I laugh and find happiness in little things a lot. As an example, I get really happy just by watching something fun on Netflix together with my family.

AISHA :  Strong and confident Yoom. Someone with a refreshing personality and confidence in everything is the character that expresses me the best.

怡人:  ENFJ? ENFP? Everything from both of these seem to be on me. Realistic yet have a lot of imaginations.

Q. This is a very straightforward question but if you could talk about your 10 best charms and strengths, what would they be?

E:U :   The charm of being small, thoughtful, good at sports, meticulous, quick to grasp the situation, sympathetic, neat, love animals, good at cooking (roughly), love my parents, well-mannered, a great speaker.

施贤:  Have a great patience (good endurance), kind hearted, good at sudoku, persevere through everything, have pretty lips, good at stretching, can speak English, have lots of hair, always positive about everything, able to make a decision quickly

MIA :  Realistic, have a good imagination, have lots of curiosity, love animals, patient, clean on my likes and dislikes, passionate, affectionate, always give my all once determined, hardworking.

ONDA :  Consistent, easy to smile/laugh, sympathize well with what others say, love dancing, love puppies (of course I also like cats), clothes fit well because of right angled shoulders, have a good stamina, like English, can be super cute, refreshing.

AISHA :  Bright, positive, good at expressing, always try to understand others, speak my own mind clearly, have long legs, have pretty hands, persevering, loyal, love animals

怡人:  love animals, realistic, have a good imagination, like to express, modern dance, guzheng (traditional Chinese instrument), playful, able to imitate something well, drawing, flexibility


Q. Don’t you think the way others see you is the most accurate? What do you think are each other’s strengths? And the reason is?

SIHYEON in E:U’s eyes  An outrageous positive girl. She always makes people around her happy.

MIA in SIHYEON’s eyes  She’s really good at dancing. I think that’s her most charming point.

ONDA in MIA’s eyes  She always works hard and does her best in everything.

AISHA in ONDA’s eyes  She has the strength to make the atmosphere light and carefree. That’s why the tension rises when I’m together with Aisha in my boring daily life.

YIREN in AISHA’s eyes  I’ll sum it up with one sentence. She’s really pretty…

E:U in YIREN’s eyes  She’s really good with words. Her caring personality is also really nice. And her voice is really charming when she’s rapping!

Q. You’re already into your 3rd year. What’s the greatest change about yourself? 

E:U :  Actually, I think I still lack a lot. Even so, I think the best change is that I get the strength to work even harder.

施贤:  That I’ve built closeness with Forever. I’m really happy to have them by my side.

MIA :  I became insensible. I’ve learned how to not easily get hurt by things and overcome it.

ONDA :  I think I’ve learned how to make myself feel at peace. I realized that the more I act hastily in a busy schedule, the more I make mistakes. I get a much better outcome if I calmly make up my mind.

AISHA :  I’ve gained a goal to get through everything including hard times, which is ‘let’s get through this even though it’s tiring, let’s do better’ since I have Forever who’s always by my side. It’s really such a huge motivation for me.

怡人:  My goal and things I want to do became clearer. I’ve also taken better care of people around me and became more expressive.

Q. What kind of person would I be in 10 years? And what compliment would I like to tell my future self?

E:U :  A kind hearted filial daughter who relieves her parents’ hardships. “Jiwon-ah, you’re doing great to your parents”

施贤:  Seems like I’d still be an entertainer around that time. “My present self will work even harder so that I can thank myself in 10 years, I’ll try my best! Just trust me, Syeon!”

MIA :  I wish I could live a life with no problems. “I’m a good person in my own way!”

ONDA :  Even though I don’t want to predict myself in 10 years from now (I myself don’t know where I’ll go), I hope I could enjoy my leisure time in a place where I can enjoy nature while constantly receiving love. “You’ve suffered long enough, now enjoy things slowly at your own pace!”

AISHA :  I think I would’ve been loved as now and challenged in another kind of field. “You’ve been doing great so far, it’ll be better in the future”

怡人:  I think I would’ve grown a lot and matured as an artist, the things I want to do also would’ve been accomplished one by one. “Thank you very much for choosing whatever you want, you’ll surely succeed just as much as you’re working hard. There’s no need to hurry, you can do as well as you’re right now. I trust you!”


Trans. everglowkr & Tami

Photos. @yoorimlover00 on Twitter

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